Monday, October 30, 2006

Another busy week

How was everyone's weekend.

Well Taylah's operation went well and they got the lump out and there was nothing nasty about it. Thank goodness. The op only took about 15 mins and she was awake and not in any pain. She looked pale but that was about it. The hospital already had a room booked for us so we went back to the ward and then she didn't want to go home she wanted to stay overnight as there were 3 other little girls that had their tonsils out. but I was glad we were going home as I didn't like the idea of having to sleep in the hard chair. She wasn't allowed to go to school till Thursday.

Maddison had her first day at orientation for young starters next year. And she loved it and made a very nice hat with a feather (feaver as she calls it).

Taylah and Maddison go to little athletics on a Friday night and Taylah one the U7 girls 500 metres running. Very happy little girl and mummy.

I was so busy during the week with orders from the sale and then getting ready for the school fete and then the crop day on sunday.

yesterday the crop day was great. Lots of ladies came and I hope they all had a good time.

Here is a great blog that I came across and it had to do with layouts and lots of photos

This week I am going to the dentist as I have a whole in my tooth, which has been there for about 3 months but on Friday I broke half of it off. so that is my dread tomorrow morning. Hate the dentist. Then tomorrow night I am off to Jen Hall's place to do another of her classes. tomorrow night is min album and it is so cute.

At some point this week I have to get ready as I am off to the Paper Crafts Festival in Sydney to do Elsie Flanagan's class and Zina Wright's class. So have to get photos and supplies ready for that as I am going down on Thursday night as the class starts at 8.30am on friday. Looking forward to that and having a look at the trade show and see what new things I can buy and also having a look at the Paper Crafts festival and all the retailers and of course see what else I can buy.

enjoy your week everyone.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Wow, another busy week.
    Enjoy your class tonight at Jen's, and I'll see you bright and early on Friday morning. xx
