Thursday, January 11, 2007

Happy New Year & New Website

Well Happy New Year everyone.

We had a great christmas and a fun start to the new year and have been doing lots of things with the kids in the holidays.
The kids were spoilt at christmas time but a couple of days later were looking for things to do and play with. What is it with that.
Lots of swimming being done in the pool and a couple of birthday parties as well. I haven't started my babysitting duties for these holidays as yet but that is to come next week.
The girls have been doing intensive swimming lessons this week and are going to continue next week as well. I can definitely see the improvement already. Maddison about 6 weeks ago was getting around the pool with a ring floatie on as she was scared and it wasn't until mummy went in the pool a few weeks before xmas that I enticed her to take it off and she has been a little fish ever since or should I say a mermaid. She is doing backstroke like she has been doing it forever.
we also went shopping and bought the new school shoes for Maddison and the new lunchboxes and a couple of exercise books and they both had to have foolscap folders even though either of them will not be using them in young starters and Year 1. So we got a Bratz folder for Taylah and a Tinkerbell for Maddison. All that is left really is to get a painting shirt and some more white socks. Do your white socks always go missing????.

Today we went to Nelson Bay. What a beautiful day here in Newcastle and it was pretty hot. It was a lot nicer up the Bay than it was at home. My girlfriend Jo and her hubby Stuart and two boys were visiting from Sydney, so we went up for the day. We had a great time at the beach and the kids loved it. My girlfriend Jo surprised me the other day when she rang and asked would I be interested in going with her to see Il Divo (who are they you might ask, cause I did, they are the 5 guys that sing) with her in sydney for the weekend plus a harbour cruise on sunday. well I said I couldn't afford it and she said that her hubby had bought her tickets for xmas for her and a friend. And I just happened to be the friend. What a great friend she is and we have known each other since year 9 at school. So I am off to sydney for the weekend in February and will be back on sunday night. Looking forward to it.

Well tomorrow we are off to swimming lessons, out for lunch, having some friends over for a swim in the arvo and probably a visit from my sister in Sydney and my soon to be 3 year old niece. So busy day.


Well the sale went great guns and was very successful. I would like to thank all of you for contributing to the success.

The other news is the website is currently down while we build a new one. Yes a new one from scratch. So many bugs and errors and gremlins in the old one that it was not worth even trying to fix. So we shut down on monday and thought that we would get the email side of things working first and it is still not working tonight. there was a bug on the server that has now been fixed and we thought it was working but doesn't want to do it. So if you want to contact me try emailing me here.

So I thought that we would have the site up and running in a week but it doesn't look like it as we haven't even started on the site as yet. So it just keeps going on and on and I wonder whether it will ever stop so that I can concentrate on the things that I am suppose to be concentrating on like growing the business.

Anyway I will keep you up to date from today on what is happening. Thankyou for being patient that is if anyone is even reading this.


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